Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More Than This

I am so upset. This morning our Branch Head surprised me. During our Monday forum, she announced that I am going to be move to Accounting Department. It was a bad news. In Marketing Department I can manage my time and can go home early and spend much bonding times with my baby. While in Accounting Department, their work depends on the time the Cash Department finished their tasks.

I’ve been with this government bank for almost five years as an account officer. And until now my career path is unclear. Before I was hired, I am full of confidence. But then, I feel like we were not given the right motivation. For how many years I just remained on my salary level. No career growth.
I posted this on my Facebook and see how my friend reacted. Sometimes, words are easily spoken when you are not the one involved in the situation.

Of course I am thankful for everything that God has given me. When the situation forbids you from achieving something, you just let yourself enjoy and accept that situation and focus on other things that can make you happy.. “More than this”, it refers to the other gifts God has given me. I’m referring to the loving family God has given me. Even when I feel that I was not one of the fortunate ones who love their job, still I’m thankful because I have the greatest gift on earth. It was just disappointing and disheartening when the only happiness I have is affected by those who treat you as an option.

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