Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Wishlist: Buying a New TV

Christmas is my favorite of all the months because this is the month when we receive our bonuses. This is the month when we buy the things we really like for ourselves. For this year, one of my wish lists is to buy a new television for our home. Since the day that we moved into our separate home, we did not have the chance and budget for a new TV. Television is one of the appliances in our home that is being used frequently. Unfortunately, this year, I still don’t have the budget to buy a new one because we are saving our bonuses for our little one. I wish I can earn more money online so I can buy a new one. My sister-in-law just recently bought an LCD TV which she got from her V-Mobile earnings. Although I don’t have the budget yet, I searched online on how to buy a TV. I hope these TV buying guides would also be a great help for those who wish to buy a TV, or I say fro those who have the budget to buy a TV (wink).
  1. When buying a TV consider the size of the room where you will place the TV- the bigger the room, the bigger the TV;
  2. Know which type of TV is best for you. LCD TVs consume less power but it is not that bright during daytime. LED TVs consume the lowest power and the thinnest but it is expensive. Plasma TVs on the other hand can give you a brighter picture during daytime, it is cheaper but it is thicker and power-consuming.
  3. Consider your budget. Although buying a cheaper TV will save you a lot of money in the beginning, cheap TVs may only cost you high repair and maintenance expense. Aside from repairs, cheap TVs may have poor picture and audio qualities. Go for the affordable TV with one year warranty and best quality.

For the meantime, I’ll just enjoy watching my favorite TV shows with our mini TV in our room.


  1. we already have an LCD TV and i find it best for our very small place...'hope your wish will come true. paring: Santa Claus! :)

  2. i can live without tv, as long as there's internet. :D

    thanks for dropping by my blog!


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